Diet and Nutrition Undertake a weight-loss diet; this encourages the body to take up insulin. Change your diet by introducing high-fiber foods and cutting down on sugar and fat. Replace saturated fats with mono saturated oils such as olive oil.
Scientists are in the process of creating "functional foods" specifically for diabetic control. These contain natural, therapeutic ingredients that can help to lower swings in blood glucose levels after meals. Guar gum, oat bran, and different Nigerian beans are being studied, as well as plants such as "Karela" which is used in India.
Some everyday foods - for example onions, cabbage, potatoes, garlic, and fenugreek seeds - contain natural plant chemicals that play a part in lowering blood glucose levels. The problem is that very large amounts of these foods must be consumed in order to provide this benefit. Research has shown that supplements of evening primrose oil can be an effective treatment for diabetic neuropathy and retinopathy, and that vitamin E supplements can produce small improvements in metabolic control.
Living With Diabetes The recommendations for a diabetic diet are much the same as those for the rest of the population, but there are a few extra rules that should be observed. Eat a high-fiber diet. Reduce intake of sugar. Eat little but regularly. Maintain your ideal body weight. Reduce fat intake.
Relaxation Therapies Meditation, autogenic training, biofeedback, and hypnotherapy can all help sufferers to regain a sense of control and promote well-being. (Diabetes can be aggravated, or triggered, by stress.)
Aromatherapy Massage with essential oils can be useful for healing wounds such as leg or foot ulcers. Oils for managing the complications of diabetes include sage (circulation), orange blossom (stress), lemon (circulation and high blood pressure), frankincense (skin problems and stress), and lavender (to soothe). A bath oil containing camphor, eucalyptus, geranium, juniper, lemon, and rosemary can help balance secretions from the pancreas.
Consult a qualified practitioner/therapist for:
Homeopathy Homeopaths will prescribe to suit the individual case. Although remedies can be prescribed to boost overall health and treat diabetic complications, nothing can restore insulin-producing cells.
Yoga Sessions of yoga have a positive impact on blood glucose levels, blood pressure, and weight. Specific abdominal exercises and yoga breathing are useful �consult your medical practitioner first and then seek advice from a qualified Hatha yoga teacher.
Read out for home remedies. Check out pregnancy and homeopathic remedies